Arbor Financial将颁发20,000美元的奖学金!

我们将奖励10美元,000 scholarships to high school seniors this spring as part of Arbor Financial's 25th 年度奖学金计划. We believe strongly in the value of higher education and proudly enhance opportunities and advancement through this program. Applications are now closed for the 2024 Arbor Financial Scholarship program. 



- 艾莉森奥尔森: Northern Michigan University to study Biology with the intent to apply to Vet school after graduation. 

- 希望林密歇根州立大学学习护理 

- 詹娜霍华德在西密歇根大学学习基础教育 

- 洛根Tungate密歇根州立大学学习金融 

- 马里昂Finjap: The University of Michigan to study Biology with a Pre-Med focus 

- 麦肯纳布拉德利在西密歇根大学学习特殊教育 

- 内森Hodshire西密歇根大学学习航空飞行科学

- 奎因解块卡拉马祖谷社区学院学习护理 

- Ruby施瓦茨: Grand Valley State University to study Advertising and Public Relations 

- 索菲娅Ciokajlo密歇根州立大学学习传播学 

要了解更多关于获奖者的信息, 点击这里.  2024-2025: High school seniors check back in early November to apply for the 2025 Arbor Financial Scholarship. 



We're proud to support the ambitions of our youth to improve their lives through higher education by awarding a total of $572,到2023年,奖学金将达到5000美元. Applications are now being reviewed for the 2024 Arbor Financial 奖学金项目. 感谢每一位申请者. 


  • 即将毕业的高中或家庭学校的毕业生. If you are an early college student, please wait to apply until your last year.
  • 目前会员良好的信誉在阿伯金融. 还不是会员? 加入今天!
  • Applicants must be accepted into an accredited post-secondary school. 


  • Your submitted scholarship essay will be anonymously judged on the strength of the essay. 今年的作文题目是: Consider a pivotal moment from your high school journey and describe how it has influenced your personal growth and readiness for the next phase of your life.
  • 文章字数必须在500到750字之间.
  • 这篇文章是以双倍行距打印的.
  • The top right corner of each page of the essay contains your initials of first, 中间, 还有姓氏.
  • 这篇文章有题目.
  • 提交你的申请,并在网上上传你的论文PDF.
  • Essay File name should be the name of your essay and your initials.

截止日期: 2024年2月1日晚11点59分.m. Applications are now closed, and submissions are in the review process. 


  • We will be awarding 10 high school seniors with $2,000 scholarships.
  • Winners of the 2024 Arbor Financial Scholarship will be contacted in April 2024.
  • Checks will be made payable to both the winner and the educational institution and will be mailed to the winner in May 2024. 奖学金必须在2024年秋季学期使用.
  • Winners will be asked to submit a photo for use on our website and/or social media outlets.
  • Select essays from our winners may be published on our website and/or social media outlets.


毕业对毕业生来说是一个特殊的时刻, 当你告别高中,走向独立的时候. Whether you're headed to college or straight to the workforce,  Arbor Financial's Volt加拿大28软件 will help you take charge of your money with special perks designed especially for young adults like you.

我们已经大幅减少或完全取消了各种费用, and we offer a special credit card that can help you begin building good credit for when you want to buy that first car. 另外, we hold a variety of educational events at our 9th Street headquarters, as well as in the schools for both high school and college students, 旨在帮助他们获得信息, 花钱是不错的选择.

And that's in addition to all the other perks that come with a membership at Arbor Financial, 比如免费访问超过30个,全国有1000台自动取款机, 网上加拿大28软件服务, 和更多的!