There’s no doubt mortgage rates are at an all-time low, and many people are using these low rates to refinance their homes. 2021年上半年, 借款人节省了超过2美元,通过再融资每年支付800美元的抵押贷款, 根据 房地美研究. There are many reasons to refinance your home loan; continue reading to find out if refinancing may be the right option for you.



Some of the most common benefits of refinancing your home include saving on interest and to pay off your home sooner - but those aren’t the only benefits. 这取决于你在房子里的资产净值, you can also get rid of Private 抵押贷款保险 (PMI) payments. Many people also think that their monthly payment will go up if they refinance to a shorter-term loan; however, 取决于你已经付了多少钱, a short-term loan with a lower interest rate can actually shrink your loan payment.


The reason to refinance or not is specific to every homeowner. Here are four reasons to consider when looking to refinance:

1. 大额消费需要现金吗?
A cash-out refinance is an option if you have built up enough equity in your house to access cash by refinancing more than what you owe and pocketing the difference. It can help pay for college, home renovations, consolidate debt, and more.
2. 你想快点还清你的房子吗?
In 2021, 30%的借款人缩短了贷款期限 of their home loan by refinancing from a 30-year to a 15-year fixed-rate mortgage. 通过缩短你的贷款期限, you can substantially reduce the amount of interest you will pay during the life of your loan. Spending less on interest means you can use the money to increase your long-term net worth by saving more for retirement or building your emergency fund, 例如.
3. 自从你上次签约以来,情况有什么变化吗?
每年都有很多变化. Maybe you’ve gotten a new job with a higher income or have an increased credit score. These can all help you get an even lower rate on your refinance or help you make a larger payment each month.
4. 你的可调利率抵押贷款即将重置吗?
如果你有浮动利率抵押贷款, you may want to refinance to a fixed-rate mortgage and lock in historically low rates.
和抵押贷款专家谈谈 看看再融资是否合理.


