你知道四月是全国信用社青年月和金融扫盲月吗? Arbor Financial started as a teacher’s credit union, and we are excited to be rooted in education to this day. 阅读更多加拿大28软件即将到来的青年月活动和全年的方法来帮助你从你的财务中得到更多.

Youth Month Savings Challenge

Help your child learn the importance of saving. 四月期间,本会邀请十八岁及以下会员参加“青少年储蓄挑战”. To participate, members just need to make a deposit into their account, 每笔存款都有机会赢取四张价值25美元的Visa礼品卡之一.

 Click here for official rules

Cuna Challenge: click here for official rules 

Join Us for Story Time

Join us on Saturday, April 30 at 10 a.m. at our 9th Street location for story time with Mrs. Sara. 每个孩子都将收到芭芭拉·德贝贝提斯的《加拿大28免费大数据分析》,阅读后带回家. The book will teach students how to skip count, a lesson about money, and how to make salsa in a fun and engaging format.


Coloring Contest

Time to get creative and have fun! 今年,我们将为12岁及以下的孩子举办一个青少年月涂色比赛,并提供许多有趣的奖品. 前十名参赛作品将自动获得卡拉马祖自然中心的礼品卡一张, 一位幸运的获胜者将赢得一个家庭四件套的空中冒险公园! To enter, 只需将您的填色单照片贴在Facebook上,或在我们的12个地点中的任何一个上交您的填色单. You can print the coloring sheet here, or pick one up at a branch near you. 

Click here for official rules

Family Movie Event

Join us at the movies! 我们计划了一个会员专属的电影活动,供家庭观看《加拿大28软件》. 票价是5美元,包括电影票、爆米花和汽水. Tickets will be available for purchase ONLINE ONLY! Purchase your discounted tickets now to reserve your spot!

Movie: The Bad Guys
Date and Time: Sunday, April 24 – 2:00 p.m.
Location: GQT Kalamazoo 10! - 820 Maple Hill Dr, Kalamazoo, MI 49009


Level Up Financial Success Program

升级是我们的会员和他们的家人的免费福利, 与互动课程,短而容易理解的各种金融主题. 我们的财务成功计划是为每个人服务的, 配有西班牙语和英语的切换开关.

我们的项目已经帮助了超过9712名用户,他们接受了超过800小时的金融教育. 课程专门针对生活中的重大事件以及如何应对这些事件, 你会有信心和知识来实现你的财务目标. Start learning today by clicking below.


On-Site Financial Advisor

Cory DenUyl, on-site financial advisor, provides investment-related services to members, including financial planning, life insurance needs, and retirement options*.
Members can meet for free anytime with Cory to discuss:

  • 401(k) Plans and IRA Rollovers
  • Roth IRAs
  • Retirement Planning
  • College Savings and Educational Savings Planning
  • Long-Term Care

免费咨询包括对你个人财务状况的分析, including current cash flow, portfolio analysis, and net worth calculations. 要利用这些免费服务,请拨打269-544-3436.

Trainings & Education Courses for Business Employees

你是一个小企业主或大企业主,正在寻找金融教育吗, account sign up, 并在您的组织或加拿大28免费大数据分析中的其他财务问题上提供帮助? Ben Harman, Arbor Financial’s Relationship Development Manager, 协助当地各种规模的企业进行员工培训. 许多雇主在他们的入职培训中要求金融教育主题, and that is where we lend a hand. 本将讲授为期四周的关于预算的课程, credit, banking in the digital era, and account opening assistance for all new employees. We want our community to be confident in their finances.

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