圣诞节就要到了, stores are busier than ever with shoppers looking to fill their loved ones’ wish lists. 目录正在邮寄过来, 销售信息在网上发布, ads are being distributed, 这是无法回避的. 假日购物季即将来临.
More and more, however, consumers are doing their holiday shopping online. 网上购物的好处和便利已经不是什么秘密了. 你可以在舒适的家中购物, 这样你就不用面对密歇根变幻莫测的天气了, wait in lines, 或者其他各种各样的节日抱怨. However, 在你找到错误的网站之前,网上购物是很棒的, 相信一个好得令人难以置信的交易, 你的信息被窃取了.
So, if you are one of the consumers planning to shop online this holiday season, 你如何保证自己的安全?
1. 在你信任或调查过的网站上购物.

这和实体店没什么区别. You can always feel safer about where your money is going if it’s a business you’ve frequented before. 你知道你会得到你所付出的, 你知道库存实际上就在那里, and that it isn’t a front for some scammer to get your information or your money. 几乎所有大型零售店都是安全的, secure transaction, 但你应该时刻注意URL中的拼写错误, 或者使用其他域名的网站 .com. 这两种迹象都表明你可能在一个不太安全的网站. 当你用移动设备购物时, experts also suggest you use the apps provided directly by the retailers. Walmart, Target, Macy’s, and almost any major retailer has their own app where you can find and purchase items.
Additionally, you can do your homework on any new company you might come across by asking these questions:

  • 他们有社交媒体吗?

  • 他们是否获得商业促进局的认证?

  • 是否有诈骗投诉的历史?

商业促进局有一个 online directory and a scam tracker. 如果你有顾虑,也可以直接联系商家. Experts will tell you that if there’s no contact information readily accessible on the website, it’s a bad sign.
2. 如果一件事好得令人难以置信,那它很可能就是真的.

对于生活中的许多事情来说,这是一个很好的通用规则, but it is especially true when you are bargain hunting around the holiday season. If a website is offering a too good to be true price on something, that should set off red flags. 看看其他供应商是否有相同(或类似)的产品. In some cases, cyber security experts report that suspiciously low prices can be a warning sign that the vendor does not have that item in stock and the website exists solely to gather people’s sensitive information. Likewise, emails from unknown senders which contain a special offer can infect your computer with viruses or malware.
3. Look for the lock.

Never buy anything or enter personal data online from a website that does not pose a locked padlock to the left of the URL in the address bar.

This lock represents a safe and secure site and will be present on any website that has HTTPS, 其中S代表安全(而不仅仅是HTTP).
4. 避免使用公共Wi-Fi或使用VPN.

With Wi-Fi at restaurants, coffee shops, malls, and more, it might be tempting to double dip and make a purchase or two while you are out. 这并不一定是最好的主意. Wi-Fi网络使用公共无线电波, and enterprising scammers with a little know-how can snatch things like your name and credit information. But there is a way around it if you just love using your mobile device or laptop in public. 它被称为vpn -虚拟专用网络. 您可以在移动设备或计算机上安装和使用它, and it creates an encrypted connection between your device and its server. Think of it like a secure vestibule between your computer and the wider internet. 大多数不错的手机每月花费不到10美元.
5. Don’t overshare.

如果一个网站要求提供太多的信息, or irregular information, 这应该是另一个危险信号. 任何电子商务网站都不应该要求你提供社会安全号码. If you are concerned, contact their customer service line and see if there is some other information you could provide. 如果你找不到客户服务热线,参考技巧1. Also, 如果你已经做了调查(技巧2), you will probably find a similar price elsewhere and can go to a different vendor with whom you feel more secure.
6. 尽可能使用信用卡.

Both your debit and credit cards with Arbor Financial Credit Union are covered with 零责任保障,希望贵方能充分利用我们的优惠 ID Theft Protection 保护您的资料. Federal regulations say that if someone steals your credit card information, 在信用卡公司调查期间,您不必付款, 而且你不会马上没钱. But, 如果骗子得到了你的借记卡或加拿大28软件账户信息, 他们可以在此期间抽走你的支票账户.
你还可以做其他重要的事情, 比如定期检查你的账户, 检查打印的或电子的报表, be proactive about reporting any irregularities to your card issuer or financial institution, 向联邦贸易委员会或商业改善局报告任何虚假公司, plus more.

Bonus Tip: Using a digital wallet can offer a more convenient and secure shopping experience as long as your phone, tablet, 或其他设备由密码或面部ID保护. 了解数字钱包的好处通过 clicking here.
我们的选择是无限的,我们的能力也在不断进化. Now, we too must evolve with our ever-changing reality and make sure we never find ourselves impacted by dangerous online ventures this holiday season or in the future. 了解最新类型的诈骗,请访问我们的 Security Center.

