让我们面对现实吧,买房是r真的 令人兴奋的. 它也充满了问题, 比如我能买得起多少房子, 买房的第一步是什么? So, we compiled a list of the most common questions that home buyers ask to help ensure your home buying journey is smooth.


1. 需要付多少首付款?

你需要0% - 20%的首付.

在阿伯金融,我们有抵押贷款选择,需要 没有首付 同时避开私人抵押贷款保险(PMI). 要获得无首付抵押贷款的资格,您的信用评分必须达到720或更高. 其他贷款项目允许信用评分从620分开始. 如果你的分数不是你想要的,那么加拿大28软件,我们可以 查看你的信用报告 并提供建议以提高你的分数.

除了…之外 0%首付抵押贷款在美国,你也可以只付3%的首付就买到房子.

如果你想让你的月供尽可能的低, 那么拿出20%的首付款就很理想了. The larger the down payment, the lower the interest rate you’ll pay on your home loan.

2. 买房是否比租房更实惠?

房租上涨绝对是决定买房而不是租房的一个因素, 但你必须确保成本对你有利. 房屋所有权最大的可衡量的经济利益是房屋净值. 拥有房子是你拥有增值资产的少数例子之一, 这意味着随着时间的推移,你的购买应该更有价值.

想想看:平均租金几乎是1美元,每月200美元,你至少要付72美元,000 in rental costs over the course of five years (assuming your rent never increased over that period).

现在,考虑一下,如果你为一套价值14万美元的房子支付了同样的1200美元. 五年后, 保守地说,你可以赚到大约8美元,000 in equity (and this does not even take into account the average home value increase of 2% annually)! 

3. 买房的第一步是什么?

如今的购房市场竞争异常激烈, and most realtors won’t even show a home to a buyer unless the buyer has received a 预先批准 from a lender.

如果你正在考虑买房, 你的第一步是联系阿伯金融抵押贷款发起人和 要求事先批准. 这将使您知道有哪些选项可用, and you can take the 预先批准 lender to your realtor to begin looking at homes that are within your budget. 

我们建议尽早开始预审批流程, 所以当你找到合适的家时,你就准备好了.

4. 在当前的利率环境下,租房好还是买房好?

自2020年的历史低点以来,利率已经上升, 话虽如此, 你可能会发现拥有一所房子是值得你的家庭投资的. 现在, 租房和买房的月成本非常相似, and products like our Adjustable Rate Mortgage could help you get a lower rate and decrease your monthly investment. 另外,当你拥有自己的房子时,你正在积累权益. One of the biggest downsides to renting is that you don't get equity for your monthly payment. 要比较租房和买房的成本,请使用我们的 免费,即时利率抵押贷款计算器. 这个工具可以帮助您了解您可以期望支付的费用. 

5. 什么是PMI ?我为什么要支付PMI?

私人按揭保险, 简称PMI, is a type of mortgage insurance used with conventional loans that would reimburse the lender if you default on payments.

通常, 如果你买的房子首付少于20%, then it is likely your lender will minimize their loan risk by requiring you to buy 私人按揭保险 (PMI).

然而, 在Arbor Financial, 我们有抵押贷款选项,可以帮助您完全避免支付PMI! 你目前是否在支付PMI, 或者你想买一套房子,首付不到20%, 加拿大28软件的按揭专家 找出避免支付PMI的方法.


6. 我能买得起多少房子?

资格预审是找出你能负担得起的最好方法. You can get an estimate of the total mortgage amount a lender would be willing to loan you by filling out a 资格预审.

请记住,资格预审是一个初步步骤,是 估计一下你能买得起多少房子,你能借多少钱. 然而,这不是贷款的担保.

A 预先批准 on the other hand is a deep dive into your financial picture and requires more information than a 资格预审. 在Arbor Financial,预先批准意味着您可以 有信心知道你被批准的贷款金额. With this information, you can start searching for your home that's within your budget.

我们建议尽早开始预审批流程, 所以当你找到合适的家时,你就准备好了.


7. 如果我有学生贷款,我可以申请抵押贷款吗?

You can certainly qualify for a mortgage and purchase your home while you have student loan debt. 抵押贷款机构会看很多东西来确定你是否有资格获得贷款. 你的整体财务状况将被考虑在内, 当贷款人评估诸如收入之类的东西时, 资产, 总债务和你的债务收入比.

The debt to income ratio is how much you owe in debt compared to how much you make. 计算使用你的总收入,也就是税前收入. Debts, like car loans, credit cards, student loans, and mortgage payments, are also included.


举个例子, 如果你的月总收入是4美元,200, 你还得付300美元的车贷, 400美元的助学贷款, 还有每月50美元的信用卡付款, 你的当前债务是750美元. 

Lenders then add your future mortgage payment to that debt to predict your ratio after you purchase a home. 如果你新房子的付款是1000美元,那么你的总债务是1750美元.  把每月1美元的债务分开,750除以你每月4美元的总收入,200意味着你的债务与收入之比是42%, 你有资格申请抵押贷款.

With good credit, borrowers are often approved for loans with debt ratios of 45% and higher.

8. 我应该什么时候获得预先批准?

真的,购房过程的第一步是获得一个 抵押贷款的提前批准. 在找房子的过程中,你可以随时获得预先批准, 然而, 我们建议你在这个过程中越早做越好. 如果你在找房子之前做了预先批准, 然后,您完成的申请可以更快地处理.

预批准的有效期为120天. 如果你在120天内找不到房子, 别担心, 我们会得到你的最新消息.

同样重要的是要注意,一旦你被预先批准, 你会想要避免购买任何大件物品, 比如买一辆新车, 用信用卡买家具, 开一张新信用卡, 等.,因为这些行为可能会影响你的信用,从而影响你的预审批. Changing jobs can affect your 预先批准, so keep that in mind while house hunting.

9. 什么是好的信用评分?

你的信用评分决定了很多事情,拥有一个房子也不例外. 你的分数越好,你的年利率就越低. 虽然你绝对不需要完美的信用来拥有房子, 所有贷款产品都需要最低分数.

To qualify for a home loan 在Arbor Financial, your credit score needs to be at least 620 .

了解更多 about what a good credit score is, what impacts your credit score, and how to protect it.


10. 什么是托管?

An escrow is an optional way to help save for your annual home insurance and property taxes. 你的抵押贷款机构可以设立一个托管账户, 这样你就可以支付每月的抵押贷款了, along with your estimated property tax and homeowner insurance in one monthly payment. 然后, the lender will make your property and insurance payment for you using the funds from your escrow. 这是一种简单的方法,可以确保你在这些费用到期时有足够的资金.

没有托管账户, you will be personally responsible to save for and pay your home insurance and property taxes. 

11. 短期抵押贷款的好处是什么?

The biggest benefit to having a shorter-term mortgage is paying it off faster at a much lower cost (paying less in interest). 如果你能负担得起较高的月供, 然后重新审视你的抵押贷款条款是明智的.

12. 需要什么文件才有资格获得抵押贷款?

•居住历史, 包括过去两年的地址, 如果适用的话, 房东的姓名和地址
•其他投资报表, 比如爱尔兰共和军, 股票, 债券, 存单或其他你打算用作首付款的资产


13. 结案费用是多少?

拥有住房的最后一步是结账. 这就是买家, 卖方, 以及他们各自的代理人, 还有一名产权公司的代表负责管理文书工作, 会见面签署所有必要的文件并交出钥匙吗.

谁支付成交费用? A buyer can expect to pay closing costs, which typically range from 2-5% of the total purchase price. 然而, it is not uncommon for all or part of the closing cost to be negotiated and paid for by the 卖方.



许多购房者想要立即进入市场,开始在市场上寻找房屋. 然而, your first step should be to talk to an Arbor Financial mortgage specialist. By doing so, you can understand what your lending options are and establish a budget. 有很多抵押贷款产品和选择,你可能不知道, 比如我们的低首付抵押贷款, 或者我们取消PMI付款的能力. It makes sense to talk to our team, so we can offer personalized mortgage options for you.

然后,假设你准备好了,它是 是时候获得预先批准了! Most real estate agents won’t start showing you homes until you have a 预先批准 letter, 让他们知道你买得起房子, 你是一个认真的买家.

手里拿着你的预批准信, now it’s time to work with your local real estate agent to shop for the perfect home!


我们的抵押贷款团队很乐意回答您的任何问题 在这里联系他们.

